Japanese porn actresses who appear in only one porn video
When Yuzu Sakurai appeared in her first Japanese porn film at the end of last year, people were surprised that it was simultaneously announced as her last. At her debut, she was already retiring! This...
View ArticleWeekly Playboy Japan asks 100 Japanese girls about their fetishes and...
We’ve just discovered this great spread that Weekly Playboy (Japan) magazine ran in October 2013. It features the lovely naked talents of Mana Sakura and her body. Mana Sakura, as readers of this blog...
View ArticleLube up with hot mature Japanese porn star Ayako Satonaka
Older can mean wiser. Older can also mean better. Okay, older doesn’t usually mean hotter. But older ladies know more about what they want and are willing to do more to get it. Dan Mitsu, Manami...
View ArticleSaitama civil servant sneaks into girls’ changing room at hot spring bath, in...
Saitama police arrested Kumagayaken tax office civil servant Sadayuki Iida on February 13th. The 51-year-old official snuck into a women’s changing room at a public bath spa at 8:30 pm, though to be...
View ArticleTenga Robo: Sex toy brand Tenga becomes robot for Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day, something amazing happened on the Japanese Twittersphere. People celebrated Tenga as the perfect Valentine’s Day companion. As reported by KAI-YOU, the leading adult toy brand found...
View ArticleJosokko Koishitsu: New changing facilities for cross-dressers, transgender in...
Recently a Saitama civil servant got himself arrested for entering a female-only changing room at a spa while in drag. Perhaps he should have gone to Tokyo… Because Josokko Koishitsu (literally meaning...
View ArticleJapan Erotic Dictionary: Nyan-nyan shashin leaked sex scandal photos
In September last year we wrote about the attempted comeback of the model Karina, after her notorious leaked sex photo scandal. The word that was used a lot to describe this was nyan-nyan. It has come...
View ArticleOtoko no Isshou: Mainstream Japanese film about older man-younger girl...
Otoko no Isshou is a new movie release in Japan. Normally we hardly pay attention to the latest dull mainstream offerings but this one caught our eye. It stars Nana Eikura, a model and actress who is...
View ArticlePanchira 2015 Exhibition in Tokyo a huge hit: 20,000 visitors in a week!
Proof if ever any was needed: the Japanese are all fetishists! When we first heard about the “Panchira 2015″ exhibition a few weeks ago, we didn’t think much of it. Sure, there are lots of panchira...
View Article3D Bijiri Beautiful Butt: Inflatable ass masturbator with 2D moe girl poster...
Ever wanted to have sex up against a window? Sure, that’s a fantasy we all have (see this Korean film for a nice scene like that). The 3D Bijiri Beautiful Butt Maasa masturbator doll not only recreates...
View ArticleNew erotic Korean film “Lost Flower: Eo Woo Dong” with Song Eun-chae in...
Actress Song Eun-chae apparently spent 4 days and 3 nights filming the sex scenes for the Korean film Lost Flower: Eo Woo Dong, on release in Korea now. In the movie Song Eun-chae plays a noble-born...
View ArticleDespite scandals, Kamen Joshi (Masked Girls) release semi-nude swimwear photo...
Kamen Joshi have released a new semi-nude swimwear-themed photo book. The Akihabara underground idol (chika aidoru) group famously wears hockey masks but in “Mizugi Kamen” (Swimwear Mask) there will be...
View ArticleExhibitionist couple get naked in Kobe family restaurant
Roshutsu (exhibitionism) fetish is alive and well in Japan, especially among the middle-aged. Kobe police arrested a couple for disturbing the peace on February 25th. The local Kobe pair, a 44-year-old...
View ArticleAdultery — now legal in South Korea
Yes, you did read that headline right. Over 5,500 people have been formally charged with the “crime” of adultery over the past six years. Nearly 900 were charged in 2014 alone. There is a 1953...
View ArticleSoft on Demand gives out free BraFile “bust checker” folder to analyze...
When out and around the city we love to take in the eye candy. After all, Tokyo is one heck of a candy store. Our favorite area is Omotesando/Aoyama for the chic ladies, and Shibuya for the sluttier...
View ArticleYumi Sugimoto goes fully nude for “Chiamata” photo-book
We love Yumi Sugimoto. The slinky idol is one of the top Gravure models in Japan. And the 26-year-old has finally answered our wishes and stripped off for her new photo-book “Chiamata”, some highlights...
View ArticleIta-Supo: An otaku dakimakura hug pillow that talks to you (in angry girl voice)
Even a 2D anime character has feelings, you know. Otaku love to decorate their hug pillow (dakimakura) with an anime character cover. Their companion is theirs to squeeze and talk to at night. But Rina...
View ArticleIdol of the Week: Mai Kamuro
Our lovely lady this week is Mai Kamuro (神室 舞衣). Born 1984, Mai Kamuro was a hostess in Fukuoka and Roppongi before she started appearing on TV as a tarento. Her mainstream career only started...
View ArticleSaeko strips off to be Peach John lingerie’s “new muse”
Bad news for Kojiharu fans. Peach John’s “new muse” is no longer AKB48′s Haruna Kojima but the model and tarento Saeko. We’re not sure if Haruna’s contract has completely finished or if this is just a...
View ArticleJapanese girls like to finger themselves
We’ve been saving these for a while. Indulge us…
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