Our friends over at Japan Trends picked up on a very funny about this pop-up cafe about to open this weekend in Harajuku where women (we presume only women) can get the experience of being pressed up against a wall by a hunky guy.
This is known as kabe-don in Japan and typically sees a hot guy with his hand on the wall by the girl’s face. She has her back for the wall and her face angled up, waiting for him to plant a smooch on her lips.
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Only at the Morinaga Kabe-don Cafe, the “hunk” is a mannequin.
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Yes, we’re not kidding. If you go to the cafe and try one of two new Morinaga dessert products, you get rewarded by a kabe-don session with an artificial waiter.
We don’t really hear much (or anything) of sex dolls for women in Japan so could this be a first?
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Of course, there are butler cafes — like maid cafes, but with male butlers and female patrons — but this is a whole new development in the world of the Japanese erotic.
Check it out at SoLaDo Harajuku every weekend for the rest of this month.