In early 2020, we shared the news about the porn debut of Rumina Yuki, the former beauty queen at the prestigious Gakushuin University.
It seems that Rumina Yuki, whose real name is Kanako Asakura, continued her career in porn and released more videos as well as appear in many semi-nude and nude shoots for weekly magazines. She eventually became attached to the Prestige label and released a photo book in February of this year.
But now aged 26, Rumina was apparently associating with the wrong kind of men and struggling to cope with her newfound path in porn. As reported by a tabloid magazine, she was arrested on a drug possession charge. While returning home at around lunchtime on September 20, Rumina was approached by narcotics police. They searched her home and found stimulants and some cocaine.
According to the magazine, she was involved with drugs even before her porn debut, when an ex-boyfriend introduced her to cocaine. In recent weeks, she had also attracted concerned from friends because she was noticeably thinner.
It is not clear if she has been formally charged yet but we presume this will spell the end of her career. So from cute middle-class girl attending an elite college to beauty queen, porn star, and now (alleged) druggie — all in the space of a couple of years! Seriously, though, we hope she gets the help she needs. All too often, drug users and addicts are demonized by the police and media in Japan, rather than victims.
Drugs are something of an open secret in the Japanese entertainment world, including the adult video industry. Previous porn stars caught with drugs include Nozomi Aso and Minako Komukai. Like with mainstream celebrities, porn stars are also unlikely to continue their career with major productions after a drugs scandal.