When our robot masters finally take over, we may simply be slightly annoying side projects that require too much electrical resources.
Take a glimpse into the future with this matchmaking service in Japan, which is using pairs of small robots to help couples hit it off.
The robots employed, as least in the promotional video, seem to be the RoBoHon miniature robots designed by Tomotaka Takahashi, here in a system developed by Cyber Agent and Sharp.
These “robotic cupids” sit on the table with the potential couple. Pre-loaded with profiles and information about their human counterparts, the mini droids prompt conversation through asking questions, responding, and chatting. The weird thing is that the robots do this between themselves, while the humans just apparently watch in silence — observing their robotic versions test out small talk.
The human participants first fill out a 45-question survey before the event in order to provide the robots with the data.
Below is actual footage from the Robot Matching Party (in Japanese, Robot Konkatsu Party) event, which has been called surreal.
After the robots chat for a few minutes, the humans are able to decide if they want to continue the conversation without the aid of the technology.
The first session reportedly formed four couples out of the 28 participants. The Robot Matching Party service is still in its early stages but if it proves more than just a gimmick, it may well be how certain couples hook up some day in the future.
Shocked by the latest example of “wacky Japan”? Well, we’re not so surprised, since robots in Japan are now performing comedy and getting married.