A survey by Himawari Life Insurance, ostensibly related to its breast cancer awareness efforts, asked 1,000 Japanese women (250 each in their twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties) about their breasts.
Asked to rate their own breasts on a scale of 1 to 100, the average was 46.1, which we find rather disappointing.
Even more unequivocal, however, was the response to the most important question in the survey: Do you like your breasts?
I like them: 4.8%
I kinda like them: 16.3%
I don’t like them very much: 25.5%
I don’t like them at all: 19%
I neither like nor dislike them: 34.4%
So almost no Japanese women actually like their breasts. Even when combining the first two positive or semi-positive responses, it still means that just 21.1% of Japanese woman think favorably about their breasts. That’s less than a quarter!
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Is this mere modesty? Or are Japanese women aware of their rather small breast sizes, especially compared to more glamorous women in foreign countries? Well, there’s plenty of impressive busts among the ranks of gravure idols and adult video stars, but (sadly) they are hardly representative of the norm.
That being said, this is not just a matter of size, since respondents picked as their ideal bust cup sizes C, D, and B. Small cup sizes are still seen as cute and more practical in many ways (less pain, easier for doing sports, etc.). So it would seem that the women would rather don’t like other aspects about their breasts.
This then begs the question, what attributes would make the ideal breasts? Well, thankfully the survey also asked the women about this. Here were their responses.
Bounciness/perkiness: 60.1%
Upwardly oriented (not drooping): 49.6%
Size and cleavage: 38.2%
Soft to the touch: 32.4%
Bright coloring on top: 31.4%
Smoothness: 27.1%
Compact nipples: 23.1%
No particular key element: 10.8%
Other: 1%
Do you agree? What are your favorite parts of breasts? And do you think Japanese women have nice breasts?